The 2.4 mile race (often referred to as our “Two Mile Swim”) starts on the west side of Pull Point. Swimmers will head west passing Shoys Point/Beach before reaching the final turn buoy about 800 Miles off the Mermaid Beach at The Buccaneer, where they will aim at the palm lined finish line and steel pan band greeting them.

You will leave the beach at Pull Point and swim out to the first buoy and head  towards Green Cay.  From there you will head west back towards The Buccaneer.

  Your goal is to swim from buoy to buoy to help keep you swimming straight.  At the buoys you may either swim to the left or right of them.  There will be a water boat available near Green Cay.  At Green Cay you should keep the island on our right and the St. Croix shoreline on your left.  Keep swimming from buoy to buoy.

 You should now be able to spot the final marker boat and the triangle buoy that marks your last turn of the race.  You MUST go around this buoy keeping it on your left-any other variations will have you disqualified. 

After you round the final finish buoy and boat, favor the left side of the bay in  order to keep a safe distance from the large reef on the right side of Mermaid Bay.

Once you round this buoy you will be in full view of The Buccaneer.  Head towards the dock on the beach.  There will be buoys in the water to guide you to the shore.  Once you reach the shore, run through the palm-lined finish chute and be certain to shout out your race number so you can properly be scored (you must go over the pad).

Once you have finished, please keep moving through the chute and head towards the refreshments offered to you.  Please remember that the timer is working and needs to stay focused on other swimmers, so please avoid distracting him. 

Water: Temperature is generally 78-81 degrees.  Wetsuits are not allowed.

Age Requirements: Swimmers must be at least 12 years of age. Swimmers 12-13 must provide their own kayak escort.

Entry limits: Race may be limited to the first 80 swimmers that register.  

Escorts:  The race has stationary boats along the course as well as kayakers that follow swimmers. Swimmers 12-13 must provide their own kayak escort.  

Maximum Time Allotment: Swimmers still in the water after 1.5 hours may be pulled from the race.

Divisions: Non-Assisted (no additional equipment), Assisted (fins, snorkel, etc.)

Awards Categories: Overall top three (regardless of Age), Top three 19 & over Males/Females, Top three 18 & under (Males/Females), Age group award broken down by gender: 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and above.