The race begins on world-famous Buck Island, which boasts a spectacular beach and living coral reef designated as an underwater park by the National Park Service. It continues across the channel and then along St. Croix’s shoreline of colorful reefs and sandy bottom. The swim concludes at The Mermaid beach of The Buccaneer, where a palm lined finish line and steel pan band greet swimmers.
There will be a line of boats and buoys which you should keep on your right side heading toward the island of St Croix.
At the last boat and buoy, you will see a large triangle buoy, keep it on your right side.
The race continues along the shoreline. Head towards the house on the point with the green roof (always keep boats on your right)
After reaching the point with the green roof, you will see Green Cay island. Go between Green Cay and the shoreline of St. Croix. You will next set your sights on the point with the large house with the white pyramid roofs.
Continuing along the shoreline, you are now heading to a white house on the end of a point. Once you are past this house you will see The Buccaneer on your left and the final point of land with palm trees ahead.
You should now be able to spot the final marker boat and the triangle orange buoy that marks your last turn of the race. You MUST go around this buoy keeping it on your left - any other variations will have you disqualified.
Once you round this buoy you will be in full view of The Buccaneer. Favor the left side of the bay in order to keep a safe distance from the large reef on the right side of Mermaid beach. Head towards the dock on the beach. There will be buoys in the water to guide you to the shore. Once you reach the shore, run through the palm-lined finish chute and be certain to shout out your race number so you can be properly scored.
Once you have finished, please keep moving through the chute and head towards the refreshments and food offered to you. Please remember that the timer is working and needs to stay focused on other swimmers, so please avoid distracting him asking him for the times. Please turn in your bracelet to the station at the finish line.
Water: Temperature is generally 78-81 degrees. Wetsuits are not allowed.
Age Requirements: Swimmers must be at least 14 years of age. Swimmers 14-15 must provide their own safety kayaker.
Entry limits: Due to race logistics, the race may be limited to the first 80 registrants.
Escorts: The race has stationary boats along the course as well as kayakers that follow swimmers. See requirements above for swimmers 14-15 years old.
Maximum Time Allotment: Swimmers must reach the first turn buoy by 80 minutes. (approx. 1.8 miles) and must be finished in 3 hours and 20 minutes. Anyone not meeting these may be pulled from the race per the safety director.
Divisions: Non-Assisted (no additional equipment), Assisted (fins, snorkel, etc.)
Awards Categories: Overall top three (regardless of Age), Top three 19 & over Males/Females, Top three 18 & under (Males/Females), Age group award broken down by gender: 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and above.